
I sit in bed staring out of my window. My room is a tiny ensuite on the ninth floor in the city centre. The sky is a bright shade of blue with scattered chalk dusting of clouds. The sun unexpectedly shines through my window. February marks the onset of spring but in the UK seasons…

Looking for the Daffodils

It was always through words that I strolled “beside the lake, beneath the trees”, imagining what it would be like in this part of the world. Ever since I was a child, “I’ve wandered lonely as a cloud”, dreaming, visualising, fantasising the various wonders beautifully wrapped in a string of poetry and prose. I’ve romanticised…

You are my Wonder Woman!

I was 15. My school broke-off for the summer and I immediately set out on a 13-hour drive from Nainital to Chandigarh. My mother had just returned home from her second session of chemotherapy and I was going to see her for the first time since the surgery. I walked into the house and spotted…